Originally Posted by Squidge
Well, the House just passed both articles of impeachment along party lines saying the President did do something wrong. Adjudication of the evidence collected so far will now head to the Senate, I'd still like to see Bolton and Mulvaney testify under oath about what they know, their testimony could either clear Trump of wrong doing and help his re-election, or remove him from office. Who would have thought a whistleblower complaint would lead to what just happened the House?

Yes, they did pass that on a He said, She said, bogus charge that they could not even prove nor had any witness's that could back up their claim. The only one they had was the EU Ambassador who under oath changed his testimony back to ............well no, I presumed that is what he meant.
Rule of Law does not support, I want you to be guilty of something and with enough time (tax payers dollars) I will find something. Until I do, you are impeached.

This impeachment sham was nothing more than several guilty individuals projecting their crimes on to someone else. It's the very reason Biden was picked to run for election. He was their cover, their sacrificial lamb they were willing to throw to the dogs.
What has actually transpired is the DS making a move on the chess board they did not want to make. Knowing how wins the game and them only having about 7 moves or less left, it is now panic time for them. POTUS out Foxed them again and they are pissed/scared. They fell for his impeachment trap and now they have to prolong it as long as they can, but it will be forced into the Supreme Court for a ruling, which is where they don't want it to go.

You acting all concerned for POTUS is rather laughable. Your own words from the Past condemn you.

But no matter which way this goes, THEY LOOSE!

Last edited by K22; 12/19/19.