The biggest problem I had with Larry was that fabulous nose would lock on a scent, often deer, and selective hearing would kick in. He would become oblivious to whistle commands. Larry couldn't help it, if ever there was a dog that wanted to please. He'd turn into zombi-dog. Made me unhappy which Mr. Sensitive would pick up on and neither of us would be happy.

Eventually I figured out the solution, the evil shock collar. Think of it as a communication device. The one I got was completely adjustable at the transmitter. It was turned up just enough to break the trance, on me just a not unpleasant tingle. Dog must already know what you want of him, the collar is just to get his attention focused on you.

Don't think "Shock" is cruel. Larry never feared his occasional little tingle. The collar had a vibrate option, sounds less cruel, right? So I tried it once. Larry went into a panic with that thing buzzing on his neck. I did feel bad about that.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.