True Story. I wont use their real names, so I'll call them Joe and Jim. Joe told me this story, while Jim was standing there, and Jim said it was true.

In our part of the south, the black folks have their own funeral homes. Jim and Joe were black brothers. Years ago the local black funeral home was a house with some of the walls removed and curtains hung to provide some privacy. Jim and Joe's auntie had passed away and they were holding the wake at the funeral home. Now down here, the blacks don't get in any hurry to bury the dead, wakes usually last a week, sometimes more.

At this time, I need to do a little explaining. Years ago, the bottom of caskets had 2 bottoms. The front, where the top of the body was placed, had a spring between the bottoms and the inner bottom was hinged.. There was a lever on the side of the casket, that you pulled, that would release the bottom and the spring would raise the body up at the waist for viewing during the funeral. The funeral directors would pull the lever while pushing down on the false bottom to keep the body from raising too quickly. Funeral goers viewed the body from their seats instead of filing by the casket, as is now the custom. Once the viewing was over, they would push the false bottom down, engage the latch, and close the lid.

Anyway, Jim was in a curtained off area with just a couple of chairs and the open casket, with his auntie in it. He was carrying on, "Oh, Auntie, why did you have to leave us. We loved you so. Don't know how we's gonna make it without you. Oh Auntie! Oh Auntie." Sobbing and crying something terrible, according to brother Joe.

All of a sudden there was a startled cry, a crashing of chairs, and Jim hollered out, "Lay back down you b!tch or I'll cut yo throat! Lay down I says!" Joe and others ran into the curtained off area and there was Jim, backed up against a wall, with his knife in his hand, ready to go to war. The casket was open and the body was about half in and half out.

All anyone could figure was the someone had accidentally brushed up against the lever thru the curtain and the spring was strong enough to throw the body up, thus startling the [bleep] out of Jim.

I's got another one Joe told me about a church if anyone is interested.

Old Turd- Deplorable- Unrepentant Murderer- Domestic Violent Extremist

Just "Campfire Riffraff and Trash"

This will be my last post! Flave 1/3/21