This is the rough history of the stocks.
A guy in California started HiTech. That was bought by Mark. After many years he did a deal with LAW and that company produces stocks using the old molds and techniques.

Recently, Mark parted ways with LAW and is producing stocks under the Bansner name. His new stocks are built with the newest in epoxy and fabrics. Also he has built new improved molds. The shape of his new stocks has also been updated. There is a very nice tactical version as well. Mark does a really great paint job.

I bought a HiTech from the guy in CA and have known Mark since he bought it.
Every time he improves his product plus he is a very good human being.


Last edited by RinB; 01/15/20.

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Posted by Brad.