Well I hear what your saying. I have always been interested in knives and tools and guns. In addition to being functional there is some facination with knives in particular that is art and craftsmanship. My maternal gradfather was a butcher and had a vast array of cutlery. This was a long time ago. It was the family business. His father brought their equipment from Germany.

He taught me what worked for what and how to sharpen. He had a huge collection of "pretty"stuff to. If he were around would laugh at the tactical sharpened crowbars so common today. I too have a vast collection most of which are unused.

When I go elk hunting there is a small canvas bag with 7-8 knives , a sharpener and a rag in it. Most of those are old well use american made old timer brand knives. We gut em, drag em whole to a tree,lift em into a truck take em to camp and skin and process in camp taking our time. When a knife is dull we grab another. When done we dunkem in warm water, wipe em down and sharpen while B.S. each other. I enjoy this task.