Tony Boyer points out in his book that hard front bags opens group.

Greg Walley
08-28-2012, 09:30 AM
Technically, no. At least in the NBRSA. Rules state that the bag must be able to be deflected 1/4" by finger pressure. Of course, that is very vague, and I've never seen a M.D. enforce this rule. But you don't want a rock hard bag anyway. Was it TB who said that the bag should feel like a ripe orange? That is a good description to go by.

We’ve fixed a lot of bad guns-barrels-scopes-actions over the years by simply removing a bit of sand from both sandbags.

Greg Walley
Kelbly’s Inc.

Butch Lambert
08-27-2012, 09:44 PM
Terry, if the bag is filled with sand, it is legal. Tony B. is right, a hard front bag can contribute to vertical.
