Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by cooper57m
Wait, I'll just put on my tin foil hat and I'll be protected.

Uh, dude,

this has risen to the level of a full Faraday cage..........minimum..............

And get yourself down to the Dollar General and get the large bottles of hand sanitizer.............enough to bath in.


PS, have you ever been around a "gay"? If so, you may have developed a mild immunity....... a better one if you were ever in an elevator with a gay (even unknowingly) a stronger one if you have touched a gay, even inadvertently. Those gays give off some of the Aids just in the course of daily life................you ain't even gotta be gay to get a dose of it.

PPS. be very aware if you've been around a black person............they gots the Ebola and the sickle cell. Faraday cage or not, you could be in trouble.

You crack me up, Geno.

Carpe' Scrotum