Offset fletchings theory is that it catches more air (wind) and in so spins your arrow faster. I would agree with this for the most part.

Spinning your arrow is what helps smooth things out in flight. There is a point where not enough is bad, but wait! We bare shaft???? Yes! Bare shaft shows you just how fine tuned you really are or are not! Because it doesn't have that optimal spin. Like a Top spin it fast and it is smooth, as the speed decreases it becomes wobbly.

So there is a point like most all things at which you get diminishing returns.

Is there a benefit to Offset fletching, maybe in some really weird set-ups, overall and for the majority of shooters I doubt it. In my opinion if it had merit for the masses we would see it being used predominantly in Field Archery for sure, along with Olympic Archery. But where it would make 100% sense and give results would be indoor were there is no wind.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.