The claim that the Bible is the word of "God" has some issues.
If the Bible is truly the word of God as it says in Ephesians 3:20, then we have a problem. If you find ONE error in the Bible, then you have to question the veracity of the Biblical claims. Well we know through archeology...

There is no evidence for Moses or anything in the exodus
The earth CLEARLY isn't 6,000 years old.
The sacking of Jericho as the Bible claims didn't happen, Jericho wasn't a populated city at the time... So they sacked a city with no one in it.
The "walls of Jericho"...Well at that time, NO city in Canaan had built walls, and Jericho had no walls because there were no people there.

Like most every other "religious" document of antiquity, the Bible is extremely similar to all of them. A mix of what is CLEARLY myth, intermixed with actual historical fact. You find much the same in the works of Homer.

What's more, the whole premise is just preposterous. After a couple of million years of watching humanity flounder, "God" comes and gives the ten commandments. Doesn't bother to mention anything about sanitary practices, bacteria, or basic cleanliness. No, the Bible doesn't contain ANYTHING that the people of the area didn't already know. There is no "divine revelation" of anything other than spiritual matters. That's just ridiculous, and sadly for many years, I fell for it.