Ive have owned and trained bird dogs most of my life

Can you provide some statistics of all the people and dogs killed by GSP's the past 25 years in unproked or even provoked attacks?

Originally Posted by jfruser
Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
I have no interest in owning a dog that could kill, maim or cripple me. Dogs operate by dog rules, we don’t always like the result.

The only way to meet your criteria is to own a teeny-tiny dog. I have seen what a 45lb female German Shorthaired Pointer can do to an 18YO illegal alien menacing a toddler. The mojado was lucky the owner called the female GSP off. Mojado had plenty of warning by humans and dog to back off. But mojados have a thing for young girls and it took a significant blood donation to the pavement to get him to stop.

Female 45lb GSP never bit (a human) before or after that day. Feathered and furred critters were another story.

Point being, dogs don't have to be that big to kill, and that a happy, friendly, and generally docile GSP rightly figured out there was a threat to her favorite person. And was willing and able to fight and kill when backed into a corner with her person.

So if you are serious about your requirement, nothing larger than maybe a small beagle (25lbs) ought to be an option.


Which reminds me of another point: dogs are just one critter folks keep that can cause serious harm to people. Horses, cattle, and billy goats can kill or maim. Owners have to be responsible with any animal of theirs, lest it harm a human.