I live between two schools in the city I was raised in but went to parochial school , sister went to public school and it showed. The demographics here have changed significantly the last few years and even with hefty school referendums test scores in public schools have gone down.

Here's a couple things I have noticed recently,

A large number of teachers driving new Mercedes Benz and almost none driving domestic vehicles.

Detective with the drug dog is at the grade school everyday, not the High School.

When it's cold or snowy they get more days off in a year then we got in four.

Somebody seems to put Trump signs between the schools in the middle of the night that are taken down in daylight by teachers...

The Boys and Girls Club received a $500,000 grant to tutor black kids because their graduation rate was so low, but that's not racist.

"Jerry is dead, Phish suck time to get a job "