
A friends 7 grade daughter was ambushed in the bathroom by
2 girls, beat up with her head slammed against the wall.
Concussion, missed several days of school took a few weeks
to get right. This wasn't a fight, just flat out assault.

Cops were called, phones confiscated and dumped,
A "Real Crime Investigation".

Neither girl missed a day of school.
The ring leader now goes to Laurel Life,
an in school contractor that runs a program for "troubled" kids.
She isn't allowed to ride the bus.
So, a minivan picks her up at her door in time to get to school,
Reverse that at days end.


She caused a brain injury to a student....
She now gets chauffeured to school as the only passenger
with her personal driver.

She gets put in "tailored for her" classroom settings,
With their own cafeteria setup.

We have close to a dozen of those vans at our 6-8 grade school.
Maybe 500 kids worth.

I thought No Child Left Behind was great.
Unintended consequences have exceeded the good.
Some kids need left behind.
Both discipline problems and slow learners.

My daughters took a test before kindergarten, one scored 92, one 98.
50 was considered minimum for kindergarten.
Both times I ask if the scores were used to arrange classes.


The younger (98) was placed in class with an acquaintance's child
who has Asberger and scored 48. The slow girl wasn't left behind.
My daughter was hobbled so she couldn't get ahead.

Talking with a 5th grade math/science teacher about the elder, she
said "Jenna is going to love the Middle School, they split the kids
up an she will be in accelerated classes".

Questioned on that she told us she teaches 5 math classes to
Jenna's class. The same 25 kids are in her room about 1/2 the day.
In that time, she teaches science, and to 5 different math levels!

"WTF, Thats one room schoolhouse schidt".
She hung her head and quietly said "I know, and we beg every year,
But Admin will not allow any segregation".

Just to head off any thought by some,
This is a 98% (government statistic) white area.
Nothing but whites in any of this.

Last edited by Dillonbuck; 02/24/20.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!