Coleman, L.L.Bean, Delsey, Samsonite, High Sierra and some no-name that doesn't have the little tab. On that one, I just loop the cable style TSA lock through the zipper tabs and then through one of the "D" rings for the shoulder strap that I took off. There is almost always some way.

All you are really trying to do is make yours a little more difficult then someone else's. Baggage thieves are generally lazy and don't have a lot of time to rummage through a bag. They also want to make sure they can re-close it quickly. If they can see they can't re-close it and all the kit and clothes are falling out, it leads straight back to them.

Bottom Line is: You can NEVER stop all baggage theft. All you can do is make yours less attractive to them than the next guy. Put yourself in their place for a second - you're handling bags from a conveyor to a cargo hold or a baggage tolly on the tarmac or between conveyor belts in the terminal. You see two bags. One a brand new fancy high end "designer" one with either no locks or the zipper tabs are just locked together. The other is one that seems to have a few miles on it, kind of plain Jane with the zippers locked together in such a way they can't be used to re-close the zipper. You've got maybe 30-45 seconds. Which would you go after? Now the truth is, a razor box cutter pretty much gets them entry into every soft-sided bag there is, but they can't close up the cut and stuff starts falling out.......Being able to put some stuff in our more secure rifle case is one of the FEW advantages we get for having to deal with the extra paperwork and permits to travel with firearms. Just don't pack anything of high value in your checked luggage. Most valuable in the rifle case, second most valuable and prescription meds in your carry-on. Least valuable n your checked luggage. If you're traveling with another person, like when my wife and I go, we split everything in 1/2 between the bags and rifle cases. This way if one bag or one rifle case or ammo box gets delayed we still have enough clothes and kit for a couple of days until the missing one(s) show up. We do the same with the rifles if we're taking more than one each and the the ammo - 1/2 of each in two separate ammo boxes.

You didn't say what part of Namibia your going but unless you intent to play the expensive "long range" shots game, you can leave the range finder home. I can promise you if you use the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Stupid Simple) method with just your rifle, a good scope with NO TURRET TWISTIES and maybe a spare one already sighted in, a set of 8x30 or 10x40 (max) binos, a good set of broken in leather hunting boots, a belt knife and pocket sharpener and maybe a medium size Leatherman, a bore snake and a rag with your favorite external gun cleaner in a zip-lock bag, sunscreen, a mosquito head-net (not for mosquitoes but for the mopane bees), some cash and your credit card and your passport.

For general hunting, I can't tell you how many guys I've taken over or hunted with who show up with a fancy scope with all the open external turrets. I can't begin to estimate how many animals they wounded that were never recovered and they still had to pay the trophy fee for. MOST guys who get those never spend enough time actually figuring out how to use them properly in the first place, FORGET were they left them on the last shot or don't return them to "zero" and do more twisting on the next shot, OR the turrets get bumped while riding, hiking, stalking etc. There was one guy I took over a few years ago who claimed he was some long range specialist out west someplace. Told him most of his shots were going to be inside of 200m or less and to just bring a regular scope zeroed 1" high at 100m and either dead on or 1" low at 200m. He showed up with some high end "twisty" anyway. All I will say is, that was a VERY expensive lesson for him. After wounding and loose several thousand dollars of trophies, he finally allowed us to zero it at the range and then wrap his damn turrets with duct tape so they couldn't move. He offered to give the scope to my friend (PH) and even he declined the offer.

Sorry for getting down in the weeds. I'll just finish with K.I.S.S. and you'll have a much better time.