Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by jwall

IF we’d stopped to buy ammo somewhere we’d BEEN late !!

LOL, so "ammo availability" was a non-factor, do I have that right?

That 60-mile trip back home to get his ammo would've been ....."catastrophic" in epic proportions.

The crisis may have even been magnified if you stopped at the 7-11 and they were out of coffee. The possibilities are endless.....

I’m NOT mad at you. Ok ?

You are WRONG on so many counts.

1. NO, ammo availability WOULD have been a factor.

2. Yes 60 + 60 + 60 BACK would have lost the whole
morning hunt ! Hard to comprehend ?

3. There ‘were’ NO 7/11s at Covington or Bogalusa
La. Ever Heard of Bogalusa ? It’s a real town!
Wrong again.

Now, give it a rest.... I’m thru.


jwall- *** 3100 guy***

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