Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by jackmountain
[bleep] Navy ships for the flu. Either they aren't telling us the truth or we've hit the tipping point and there's more idiots than rational people now. Tanking the global economy to the tune of trillions of $$ to save a few hundred thousand lives.

If we save a million lives by taking these extreme measures and tanking the economy, and we only cost the economy
one trillion, that's still a million dollars per life saved.
In a world population of 8.5 billion people, one million dead is only .011% of the population.
Mass hysteria on a global level. There are people who's names most of us will never know that will make fortunes untold off the backs of hard working Americans during this exaggerated "crisis" Money our children and grandchildren will be paying interest on.

What a touching outlook.
Yeah no shyt. Fuggin douchebag more concerned with money than human lives. One can only hope people with that attitude are among the victims who perish.