I apologize on the front end of this post for my lack of understanding for many things within this question. I just don’t understand the “Why”...If you want to flame me for my ignorance, enjoy yourself 😎

Why would the Federal Government consider bailing out any corporations at this moment who are being adversely affected by COVID-19 when many of these companies have made billions of dollars in profits from all of us during our lifetime?

If these corporations have had multiple million dollar profits per quarter, why can’t the Feds say: We the government of the people are going to require all profitable corporations to dip into your profitable portfolios and continue to pay all your current workers their salaries and wages until the situation is under control.

If corporations have investors or companies have Angel Money, everyone knows there is risks involved running an organization, some seen and some unforeseen, but it’s a system of risk and reward.

This situation, though unfortunate and unforeseen is likely temporary - Why then should the American people have to bail out anyone who still has profitable paper?

So, what if they’re yearly numbers are tanked compared to their original forecasts for profits and growth?....Investors don’t get a check, Angel Money won’t see a return on their investments for a longer period of time.....It all was a gamble to begin with.

If a corporation spends their profits keeping their employees paid and then have a negative balance sheet...America probably wouldn’t have such a bad taste in our mouth when the Federal Government agrees to offer financial assistance to help them recover....But, not back to a point where the rich are more enriched....Remembering business is a gamble.

That’s my short version of question...Hoping some will understand the “Gist” of what I’m asking....😎



Last edited by Beaver10; 03/20/20.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”