I tend to use smaller flies than most because fish see a lot of pressure and flies.

purple haze size 14 to 18.

Lightning bug 16 to 20

orange stimulators 14 to 16

Griffiths gnat 16 to 18

Pats stone fly 12 to 14

prince nymphs 16 to 18

size 14 elk hair or Goddard caddis. I prefer Goddard pattern

size 16 to 18 comparaduns for the finicky fish

pink San Juan worms 14 to 16

can throw in a few hopper patterns too, chernobyls

sparkle minnow pattern too

soft hackles in 16 to 18 aren't bad

can add a small dropper nymph like a lightning bug on the larger dry flies. 18 inches of dropper tippet

Buy a 9 foot 5x and 6x leaders. Cut off the last 2 feet add 2 to 3 feet of flouro tippet. 4x to 6x tippet as needed for dry flies

I cut off the last 3 feet for a nymph rig 9 foot 5 x leader, add tippet.

most use a thingamabobbers as indicators. I like small piece of Antron dressed with floatant.

what month?

Last edited by ribka; 03/21/20.