Originally Posted by WyoCoyoteHunter
I have a lot of flies bought over the last 40 years.. But the ones I use most are prince nymph, gold ribbed hares ear, (mostly bead head), grey hackle peacock, royal coachman, elk hair caddis.. Those with a few wooly buggers are the ones I use 90 percent of the time.. If I am fishing waters I am not familiar with, I stopped in a fly shop and buy a dozen of those they recommend...

Good info here. I've caught more fish on olive gold rib hares ears and elk hair caddis variations than anything else. But I am a generalist, not a purist by any means. That means I fish a ton of different ways mediocrely.

"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money." -Tom T Hall

Molon Labe