Originally Posted by 5sdad
I started a real tschidt storm on here awhile back when I pointed out that it is difficult to take pictures that do justice to the food being pictured. You would have thought that I had insulted people's sisters or raped their mother's cooking. At this time, I would like to say that there have been some beautiful pictures of food today.

Actually, I'm quite in agreement on both points. I had a buddy from Broadcasting School that got into that line of work-- photographing food. It was quite a remarkable job. He'd use mashed potatoes as a substitute for ice cream and stuff like that. P&G is here, so there's a lot of work like that. After he learned his trade he took a job in Dallas, and became quite successful.

Part of the reason we have good food pics now is that we don't need hot lights to shoot the pics. He was using low ASA 50mm film and a room full of lights to do his thing.

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