Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91
3.25 MIL unemployment just realeased.- matched 1980 figures.

Next month, they are projecting 4+ MIL.

Untold business doors shuttered forever......and counting.

All any businessman, with half a brain, has to do, is look at those very same numbers from 1980, to see what the future holds as far as when jobs come back. History books when facts are true don't lie. Look at the decade of the 1980's to chart your course.

No financial modeling needed here, This game has already been played before, and everyone is in the stands ready to watch it again......jobless.

You can't bring millions back to work overnight when the economy has just absorbed this extensive amount of carnage.

It has been 40 years since we have taken a hit this bad. Many alive have no clue, because they aren't old enough or had to work through it.

Many people back then, with advanced degrees, had to swing a hammer to survive. This time around, many of those same people can hardly read a tape measure. They never developed the skills, young boys acquired, as they grew up, and it's about to show.

[bleep] off. This is America and we're still the strongest most determined group of people ever collected together. Do we have problems? Yeah, sure we do. Is the millennial generation a bunch of pussies? Yeah. But when the [bleep] hits the fan you still have a bunch of hard working, smart determined, independent people who will do what it takes to get the engine turning again. One thing to remember is were Americans, and we love to spend money. And spending money drives the economy.

You're a mentally sick prima donna. I never said America could not survive this. I'm simply listing FACTS of what the immediate future holds, so businessman, who have not gone through this, can make educated decisions to position themselves as best they can.

The fact you are running around this site presently, bragging about all of your $100,000+ jobs, when people are hurting, shows what a mentally sick prima donna you are, feeding your narcissism.

Pizz off clown.

I truly highly doubt you have the work you presently claim to have, when everywhere else, jobs are being shuttered, as always happens in a major downturn in its wake.

I've been through this before, and I know what happens, and so have others reading this.

Go take your bloviating no-respect-for-others-hurting azz some place else.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)