Originally Posted by Etoh
Originally Posted by MM879
Etoh might have stumbled on some very interesting information on CV-19 research.

I know that the local Doc's are prescribing Lisnopril for off label conditions.

Didn't really stumble on it. ARBs are/were used in combination therapy for HIV a the ----vir group of drugs. for 10=15 years. Rational was to affect the virus thru the cell membrane, using erythromycin type antibiotics, (Zpak) and vir group of drugs.

Also 3-4 yr. old research on the effect of vaping (aerosols) and ACE2 receptors.

Also 10-15 old DARPA stuff on weaponizing chemical, (biological agents with aerosols.)

This is shaping up like they kicked the hornets nest. Take a look at the attached link. You can find any understanding you want.
