Originally Posted by MM879
Originally Posted by Etoh
Originally Posted by MM879
Etoh might have stumbled on some very interesting information on CV-19 research.

I know that the local Doc's are prescribing Lisnopril for off label conditions.

Didn't really stumble on it. ARBs are/were used in combination therapy for HIV a the ----vir group of drugs. for 10=15 years. Rational was to affect the virus thru the cell membrane, using erythromycin type antibiotics, (Zpak) and vir group of drugs.

Also 3-4 yr. old research on the effect of vaping (aerosols) and ACE2 receptors.

Also 10-15 old DARPA stuff on weaponizing chemical, (biological agents with aerosols.)

This is shaping up like they kicked the hornets nest. Take a look at the attached link. You can find any understanding you want.


yes -- all things are possible, some things are more probable.

good site, but basically they all are asking the same question, which is a question of timing.

general drug mechanisms involve a series of steps, absorption, distribution, effect, degradation, elimination.

general "bug" mechanisms have their own "clock" absorption, distribution, growth, reproduction.

even if the mechanism of both are known, the "timing" of causing an effect in two independent systems is difficult, let alone at which step in each the researcher wants the change.

to complicate the matters, each "carrier" has different physiological parameters, health issues, and insurance carriers (sorry had to put that in)

thanks for the site reference will be checking it often although it would be difficult for a person if they don't speak tech jargon.

Most people don't have what it takes to get old