Originally Posted by tngunenthusiast42
What's bad is no one saw it coming. She was out pulling weeds which is one of her favorite chores. Dad was around back doing something. He said he heard a gunshot and went inside and found her. He said he thought she was dead.

I did find out that for some odd reason her gastrointerologist put her on xanax and lexapro combined and that mom was drinking yesterday for some reason. I think she didnt realize what she was doing and in her stupor was messing with dads gun and shot herself. But she never drank so that was probably her signal for help.

Mom has never liked guns and been deathly afraid of em.

At 10:22 am mom got out of surgery and the plastic surgeon reconstructed her jaw as best he could but he said there was extensive damage and that she'd require on down the road more jaw surgeries and probably oral surgery on her teeth. She'll also need speech therapy but she's alive and doing well. No longer has a brain bleed either and no sign of brain damage according to newest ct scan.

What has pissed me off about this whole situation is dad knew she was drinking and didn't tell anyone and didn't try to stop her even though she was on medication you didn't drink on. I asked him why he didn't try and stop her. He says because she was a big girl and an adult and she could do what she wanted. Part of me blames my dad for this and part of me doesn't.

Sad ta hear what happened.
Hopefully she will recover well.
Has ta be some back burner dynamics going on from what you describe between them happening and not happening.