Good Thread subject M3, decided I would chime in.
Some of you may remember a thread I started a few months ago, maybe not or you didn’t see it. No matter, it can be summed up by simply saying 2019 had enough negative for me personally, more than I would really wish on anyone. So sometime late in December I decided that
#1; it was time to quit putting a few things off
#2 I really needed to get moving forward again and the best way to do that was to refer to #1 and start plans for a trip to Africa. Serious plans, not just day dream stuff like I have had since 6 or 7 yr old (will be 59 next month)
So I signed on for a trip in August to Botswana. It will be my first. On the list right now are Impala, Warthog, Zebra, Blue Wildebeest, Kudu and Eland. Plans to have a little padding in the checkbook are already in place “just in case”. The .338 RCM is tuned, at least for now, have to wait for the weather to warm a little here in Michigan before the load is finalized. Figured a trip like this was as good an excuse as I was going to get to update the camera equipment. A custom knife Dad brought me from Norway years ago is on the Do Not Forget List, along with a couple other items from times or people past that really just need to make the trip....
SO the current worldwide situation is a speed bump but nothing more right now. Continuing to plan here, if it ends up that things have to shift a season they will. But I am for sure going to be ready for this year, cause plans can be delayed if forced but you can’t make up time lost. Sitting around and waiting for “Blue Skies and Sunshine” just doesn’t get it done.

I’ll wrap this up with these daydreams. It is about 8:30 pm in Botswana as I write this. The sizzle and aroma from the Braai are really making my mouth water.The cook has said there is still a bit of time before we eat so pull up a chair here next to the fire, pour yourself a sundowner (make mine a Bain’s Cape Mtn) and I’ll tell you, again, about the Kudu that is now at the skinning shed.....


ps: that quote from Oddball is my signature line on a couple of boards.

I have "CDO". It is just like "OCD" except the letters are in alphabetical order LIKE THEY SHOULD BE!