Originally Posted by M3taco

This was from several years ago at my friend's place in NW Namibia.

My wife and I were up in the main house having breakfast when one of the workers came speeding up on the quad bike very excited and animated and had a quick exchange with Jan in Afrikaans and I could pick up something about elephants and kudu but that was all.

We hoped in the truck with Jan and followed the worker down the hill towards their quarters a couple of kilometers away. On the way, Jan translated that during the night, the workers heard a terrible commotion near their quarters and thought it was elephants and didn't dare to venture out to see what it was.

At first daylight, the head man discovered these two kudu bulls just as you see in the pic. They had been fighting all night and one of them had gotten his front leg stuck and locked into the curl of the horn of the other one and they both died.

Damn shame to as once we got them apart, both were 55"56" bulls. It had been pretty cool in the night and both carcasses were still warm to the touch so at least the meat was recoverable.

Still trying to sort out how to link in photos.

Lovely pictures mate, when are you going to Namibia again? I might be interested I just have to plan the luxury lol.

All is well, when you are calm and bold.