Originally Posted by steve4102
, told The Detroit News that he asked the governor to issue the original letter to prevent people from hoarding the drugs and thus depriving non-coronavirus patients of their medicine.

"We needed something to prevent cloroquine from becoming the next toilet paper,"

Can someone splain to me how a Prescription Drug, a drug that can only be dispensed by a licences physician, can be horded like toilet paper?

removed the language threatening doctors from the letter and is now asking the federal government to send shipments of the drugs,

Also, If MI needs the Federal Government to send shipments of this drug, why not just use the existing supply that she go gallantly protected from the hoarders.

90 day supplies prescribed to family members and close friends by doctors. Its not so much hoarding I guess as docs playing favorites and taking care of their own first. Like handing out iodine pills during a nuclear disaster.

Last edited by KFWA; 04/01/20.

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings