Originally Posted by irfubar
Some could make a case that the vulnerable asking the rest of the country to shut down and go broke so they can avoid it are the selfish greedy ones?

How about some personal responsibility? if you are vulnerable or scared stay home.

Freedom and personal responsibility, it's a thing this country used to believe in.

Self quarantine... I don't believe I am in the vulnerable category, but I don't go out, and I sure as hell have no business telling another man he can't work and feed his family!

Do we have the right to cancel a concert this week in the middle of Seattle?
Or the right to close Florida beaches during Spring Break?
Or the right to cancel sporting events which draw huge crowds?

There are lots of comparisons being made to recent, fairly innocuous so called "pandemics". In reality by the time this one is over, the only fair comparison will be H1N1 of 1918.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.