
Important Update....Since last time when we collectively nominated and voted for our favorite and smartest Fire member, we have had a situational change that you may not be aware of....It’s called Corona virus, or COVID-19.

Due to this recent onset of viral danger, I have been forced in lieu of cancelling our event, to actually accelerate the process for the safety of all of us.

With that said....I’m naming the winners for each category. My hope is that you all will agree with my decisions and applaud the hard work and effort put forth to continue this tradition....Deep inside, I actually hope you all rage against the machine, and explain via posts why the winners selected suck and who the real winners are.

That is the true spirit of this place - discord, anger, PMS, tantrums, tampon extraction and genuine kinship amongst all of us in some form or fashion

With that said...Here are your 2019-2020 Winners “GFY 🖕🏾😎

Best Video Depiction of Scope for Playground Hunting.

Winner: Higbean and his video parody of CumminsCowboy - “I have candy in my pocket”

Best Comedy Team by individuals that barely made it through the 3rd Grade.

Winner: Renegade50 & Slumlord aka “Ren & Stimpy”

Best Comedy Solo performance on a thread

Winner: JackMountain “When he’s ballz drunk on every Saturday Night”

Best Photography of the American Way

Winner: Sammo The guy just reaks of the American Spirit - and alcohol, weed, chewing tobacco, and hairspray.

Best Photography of Fish with Rusted Rifles Painted like a Gay Clown.

Winner: Big Stick

Best Political Commentary on all things Trump Politics

Winner: hatari “The doc keeps all of us calm and on point.”

Best Technical Explanation of why Optics are too hard for most of us to use properly.

Winner: Kingston

Most remarkable thread meltdown by a Troll witnessed by every Fire member

Winner: Elkslayer91

Most misunderstood member on the Fire because of his Avatar name

Winner: My brother, Irfubar who is not related to Fubarski

Best Memes that make you laugh or hard

Winner: Elkhunternm

Member who is most in need of a vagina vacuuming, weekly

Winner: Gunwizard

Member who tries his best to bring a rancorous group to God, and fails miserably, but keeps trying

Winner: Pastor Wabigoon

Member who continues to kill big horned fur on public land.

Winner: GregW. Not to shabby for a Bee Keeper....hint

Member who tries his best and breaks all our hearts each year archery hunting.

Winner: dvdgeorge . 2020 ain’t looking good bro with hunting closures going off everywhere.

Member who provides the highest quality pictures from gorgeous women to steaks

Winner: Lapua

Member who has a memory like an Elephant/Oracle for all things said in a thread and will remind you of your stupidity

Winner: 79S

Member who has and makes cool rifles, gadgets and helps others who ask for help

Winner: Aalf.

Member who ran the worst Sock Puppet in recent Fire memory - multiple times

Winner: FredIII. Aka Frud

Member who is the newest to the Fire and is still posting

Winner: ???? Well that’s uncomfortable.

And finally the category we have all been waiting for

Member who is the Smartest Man on Fire

Winner: Geno

Now, he can’t blow up my PM box with calls for a recount or crooked Russian voter collusion like he did last time.

Congratulations to all our above winners...Please understand I was under extreme pressure and duress to name some individuals as winners...Threats may have included mailing me Kleenex with Coronavirus snot...Price Waterhouse was not consulted, either.


In Memory

FieldGrade “Charlie”. Fire ain’t the same.

Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”