Originally Posted by irfubar

So I take it you weren't a schoolteacher...good thing cuz I would still be in the 6th grade if you were my teacher..... damn

Does Amazon have offices full of people? how about my example of the grocery checker? does UPS have offices full of people? I guess not, I have not worked for years, so I am guessing.

I am sure that both Amazon and UPS have offices full of people. I am also sure that they want to be in business after this is over bad enough to provide as much protective measures as they can because they are having a lot of trouble filling jobs before hand. I would guess that those in the offices like a huge number of people are working from home when and where possible.

My grocery checkers are wearing gloves and masks and maintaining as much distance as possible. The stock clerks likewise. People coming into the store for groceries are bringing their own chlorox wipes to wipe down the cart and when they get to the self checkout they wipe what they have to touch like the keypad in the credit card machine. Place like my sushi restaurant take my order over the phone, take my credit card over the phone, assign me a pickup time and deliver my food to my car trunk wearing a mask and gloves. From what I have see elsewhere, that is pretty much SOP.