Originally Posted by JTrapper73
Four reasons he won:

1. Daddy’s money
2. Chicago (Daddy’s money)
3. LBJ (Texas)
4. He was running against Nixon

There is a book called “Ascent to Power.” It is about Johnson’s rise to power and climaxes with the U.S. Senate election in Texas in 1948 where Johnson steals the election from Governor Coke Stevenson.
If there was ever an evil man, it was Johnson. A real douche bag.
But.....to be fair, JFK, as a democrat, was a lot better than a lot of Republicans we have today.

Normally I never watch PBS but nothing was on TV last night so I was flipping channels found a program on PBS where they estimate the value of items that people might want sell and watched it for a while. One of the things for sale was letters and other documents with JFK's original writing on them. The lady that was planning to sell the items used to work for JFK as some kind of secretary or something. It turned out that she had flown to Dallas on the same plane as JFK when he was assassinated. She was on JFK's plane ready to fly back to DC when she was told that JFK had been killed and that LBJ was going to be sworn in on JFK's plane on the way back to DC. She said she and and some other JFK people moved to LBJ's plane to make room for some of LBJ's staff. She said the people on LBJ's plane were very happy about the assassination and I don't doubt it. LBJ was probably the sorriest human ever born in Texas.