If somebody is gonna start out, and hunt with their starter bow, I'd say 45# at their draw length.
Assuming a 20-40 yr old guy of avg size/build.

My Ben Pearson Hunter 2 was 45# (first recurve).
My Damon Howatt Superdiablo was 46#
and my first Bear Grizzly was 45#.

I shot 55-65# compounds fingers, so a 45# recurve was no big deal, and actually felt kinda wimpy.
Of course that was dang near 35 yrs ago.

Nowadays, 55# takes some dedication. 45# feels wussy......but 50# seems decent LOL
Buddy has a new Blackwidow, 42# and I can draw and hold that thing forever.
And I'm pretty beat up.

Proly do a test drive and see how a 56" PCH at 47# shoots.