We hired Trump because he said he would clean this mess up. Too many chants of “lock her up” at his rallies for him to not know what was expected. And he went along with it, which was acceptance of that job. The only folks I see going to jail are his supporters, like Flynn and Stone. He better get busy, or there are gonna be a lot of folks sitting the next election out. I hear it all the time. People are awake, they know what has been done, and they demand some justice be done.

If it is not done, my hope is that enough will decide they are going to have to get up and get it themselves. It has to happen. We have gone too long allowing traitors and criminals to walk around free living on our dime. We are complicit by our lack of resolve and action to correct the situation. Evil triumphs because good me do nothing. We hired Trump to do the job, and he appears not to be doing it. Do we hire him for another four years to play us for fools while we grow older? I am not saying I am sure we are being played, but it looks more like that every day. By November it will be clear, one way or the other. Then we have a decision to make.