Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Tyrone
For better or worse, church isn't about entertaining the flock. It's about offering sacrifice to God.
Well I’ve been to churches that put me to sleep because they were so boring and so legalistic and so formal and so lifeless. They oughta make convicts sit through em’ as part of their punishment. I like an appealing setting, engaging communication, and helpful content. And I like really good live music and fog machines and colored lights; and I like warehouse type settings with folding chairs and conversational type sermons, where I can bring coffee or ice tea into the worship area during the service. Don’t care for natural light or stained glass or choirs or pews or robes being worn by the pastor. Informal, non-traditional, and laid-back as described above puts me WAY more in the mood to worship Jesus in a building.

Originally Posted by Tyrone
We really need that sarcasm font. I think there are people who seriously believe what you are describing is worship.
Well, the U.S. is steadily becoming less Christian and less religiously observant as the share of adults who are not religious grows. *In order to reach people that no one else is reaching, you’ve got to do things that no one else is doing*. Leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus is more easily done in a warm, friendly, casual environment (with high-energy worship music) than it is in a cold, unfriendly, formal environment (with boring worship services).

Every day on this side of the ground is a win.