This is a topic I am quite passionate about because I use a headlamp nearly every day......or night as the case may be. It is not just a brand but a model.
The Princeton Tec APEX is by far the best headlamp I have ever had, in fact I have 2 of them. One uses 4 AA batteries and the other has a rechargeable Lithium battery. The 4 AA model will last a couple of weeks using it a couple hours a night on lower light settings but does not really like the very brightest setting for very long. the Lithium model is awesome, never actually have run it to where it went dark. Have owned the 4 AA model for 10 years and the Lithium model for 5 years with zero issues. I could not recommend more highly.
Right now you might think I'm a Princeton Tec honk.....wrong, I also have a model called the Vizz. I go for an early hike and this thing is dead before the sun comes up.