Originally Posted by Hotrod_Lincoln
I love the wheel tax! My property straddles the county line. The property tax on 20 acres in one county is almost equal to the tax on 80 acres in the other, and the 20 is unimproved farm land. The 80 acre parcel has my home and several outbuildings on it. There's only one difference- - - -Lincoln County Tennessee has a wheel tax- - - -Giles county doesn't. That means LaQueesha and DeVontay who live in public housing and collect welfare and food stamps still get to contribute to the county budget if they want to drive their blinged-out Escalade with the 24 inch wheels and spinner hubcaps. That's the only thing of value they'll ever own, from cradle to grave, and they damn well need to pay a little tax of some sort sometime in their lives. Giles County social parasites from the projects vote the wheel tax down every time it comes up on the ballot. That leaves us property owners to carry the full load of county administration expenses, and it sucks!
Devonté. lol

There’s one in every woodpile.