Originally Posted by jaguartx
A good looking woman could have fun every day, if they werent so worried about getting something besides enjoyment. They want the enjoyment and tangible goods for a screw, just to know they didnt get screwed.

A man will go out of his way to give a woman a happy day, while a woman is only concern is what will make her happy.

How many good looking women you see going around with a smile on their face?

For such a supposed Christian, you certainly do not show much respect for the women in your life.

Those women have my sympathy, as do you if that is actually the only kind of woman you have ever known.

Perhaps I am fortunate in this, but the women in my life are extremely concerned with the happiness of those around them. Often to the point of sacrifice which might be beyond the point of (what I consider) wisdom.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.