Originally Posted by local_dirt


A lot of people just flat ass don't want to go back to work. They're making more on handouts. So, hence, Kemp's negative polling.

I hear the same grumblings here from the snowflakes when I'm out and about every day. It's all about the "science", you see.

You are 100% right on that.

My astute wife did a search of the social media that she and other hens frequent. Common threads she found with the "if we open too soon people will needlessly die" crowd.

- stay at home moms whose husband are working from home and getting paychecks. Their life has not changed much. Lock down affects them very little.
- people who did make less than $50k/year that were getting $965/wk to stay home. They were coming out ahead.
- crazy single/divorced cat ladies (who fit in the category above) that are afraid of their shadow and believe everything on CNN of Facebook. "I read on Facebook Trump wants us dead."
- agonostic/athiest crowd. They are afraid to die everyday because for them, that's the end of the line.

Number of cases are falling here since we opened. Many people still staying home, but no instant spike in deaths that the media morons predicted. (As if the State would open May 1, then May 2 everybody in the State would fall ill, and by May 5 they all would die. Certainly dead by May 10 by the thousands per day if their calculations were off. How stupid?)

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo