I was involved with one like that. It had killed I think nine calves from one ranch in about a month.

I showed up in Africa for plains game. First day there,the PH said we need to take care of a leopard on a neighboring ranch. We tracked where it had dragged a calf in and out of dry river bed for about a mile, then it double backed on itself and deposited the calf in a brush pile in the river bed about 200 yards from the back door of the ranch house. We sat up a ground blind next to the calf at about 3 pm with jackals trying to eat the calf but afraid of the leopard smell. A couple of hours later the leopard showed up, sending the jackals off yelping, and then laid down in the brush and totally disappeared. I will never forget how if I looked hard for a few minutes through the binoculars I would begin to see a spot or two appear. If I didn't know exactly where it was, I would have never seen it. No telling how money of those animals I've walked passed without seeing over there.

I thought the elderly mother of the rancher was going to kiss me on the lips. I'm not sure what all she was saying but she did say baie danke about 30 times, which is the only phrase I understand in the Afrikaans.