I have a Burris 3x9 with lighted reticle I recently purchased one of the 4x 1.5x6 lighted reticle. Externally they are the same scope. I assume the internals are very similar as well other than the glass.Anyways I pounded the piss out of 3x9 on a 12 gauge sluggun with three inch slugs. I later moved the scope to a 350 remington mag. I have run a couple hundred rounds of well over max loads through the 350. Scope has held up perfectly.

As Mule Deer mentions the brake might change the direction of recoil forces which a scope may or may not handle. The one and only experience I ever had with a braked gun was my brothers 500 smith and wesson pistol. Don't know how many mounts and rings we broke. I did all the mounting and I never in dozens of guns had any issue with a broke mount or ring. Eventually with the help of guy making the mounts came to the conclusion that something with the recoil pulse was doing it. We assumed that the recoil was starting one direction and abruptly stopping. In essence we were smacking the rings and mount with a hammer instead of everything being pushed in a gradual increase and then decrease of force. Ended up using four scopes rings and gluing everything together to fix the problem. Amazingly the scope never had an issue.