Originally Posted by mart
Originally Posted by FreeMe
Originally Posted by mart
To me a kit gun has always been a handgun that is essential or at least handy for the activity at hand. Like some of the other tools one would need in the same activity, knife, hatchet, pack, tackle etc. When I was trapping full time there were certain things that were with me every day and essential to the activity. The Single Six was among those things. Same with packing meat or hiking or any other outdoor activity. My "kit" are those things that I deem to be necessary to the activity and most times a handgun of one kind or another is part of that kit. A kit doesn't have to be something packed away. In my case I consider those things I carry on me as part of my kit. If that makes sense.

By that definition, when is a gun not a "kit" gun? Why don't we have a "kit" knife or "kit" hatchet?

You may have guessed that I have come to consider the whole concept rather inane.

I guess in truth I've never used the term "kit" to describe those things I carry afield. But yes, if one considers those things carried afield for a given activity one's "kit", then it might include a knife, hatchet, small folding saw, or any other item deemed necessary to the activity. So any gun could be considered a kit gun. A recently passed friend who once guided in Africa considered his well worn Whitworth 458 Winchester his "kit" gun and in several conversations referred to it as such. Usually when he caught me drooling over a nice, older S&W 34, he'd remind me of his "kit " gun. I sure miss him. One of the only guys at work who could speak gun on the same level.

There ya go.

IIRC, this whole "kit gun" term and obsessive discussion of it dates back to a certain long ago article by a certain gunwriter. It's somewhat interesting, historically, and has been talked to death - but I find it somewhat irrelevant today, when so many of us have a handgun on us daily, and so many more could if they chose to.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.