Wow BSA,

Sensitive much.

You have a cool ongoing thread about shoting groups.
It has been interesting and informative to me, and others.
Groups are valuable. Standards and setting a baseline are
where everything else starts. Searching for better accuracy
is beneficial to all in the sport.
And if the range is your main interest, that's enough

But for me, a bench and bags are work.
It's where I'm all scientific persnickety and crap.
Loads chosen, sights zeroed, I like to shoot stuff.
Thing that jump, break, roll, or die.

My interest is hunting, or self defense.
Neither requires much accuracy in my area.
Being fast, and good enough, is what kills deer
here. No rest, no feeder, standing on my feet.
Shots are <150yds, at animals usually moving.
Pick at spot, shoot quick, or be an observer.

You also wont find pics of me anywhere.
Posted a couple here in another place of food or projects.
None of people or identifiable places.
Won't see a bunch of hunting ones, not even in my house.
Not mounts, or even horns. They hang from rafters in the shed.

If spent too much time justifying myself to a tirade.
Only because you have usually seemed a decent dude.

If it doesn't satisfy.


Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!