Having had an '11 1500 and currently a '19 Durango, I'd be more worried about the cylinder deactivation. I know on the '11s and a few years after, the roller portion of the lifters can go bad, especially on the ones that get deactivated. Look it up. There are several places on line with pics and video documenting it. You can count on $2500 for a junkyard and $4500+ for a remanufactured engine. The magic number seems to be between 85k to 120k miles. I keep my cylinder deactivation off on my Durango. Also the TIPM is crap on '11s through about '13 or '14. It is the fuse box under the hood that also has the relays in it. Several people have been stranded when their fuel pumps won't work because the relay is intermittent. This was also a problem on several other CJD products.