Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

It can really go either way. The UOF policy cannot be viewed in a vacuum. As you well know, training comes into play as well. Officer actions are guided by the law, policy, training and experience.

Many UOF policy’s have been designed to better protect the city, and agency, while leaving the cop strung out on a weak tether, that the city attorneys will almost always cut.

These policies are part of the reason the cop is a neutered dog with narrow margins for lethal force, even to protect themselves or fellow officers.

Understandable, the general public, if not ignorant, knows a cop coming to save their life, is like buying a winning scratch-off ticket.

Maybe, they’ll stop the event, if the UOF and ROE allow for it.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”