Originally Posted by janesvillejohn
I thought 24 Hour Campfire was an outdoors-hunting site, but with all the violence expounded on this forum, you would think this is the website Stormfront. The FBI/ USDOJ will be monitoring this site, along with the SPLC-Southern Poverty Law Center. If this is labeled a hate site by the SPLC and they bring a lawsuit, that will be the end of 24 Hour Campfire. You would be far ahead to stick to arguing about guns, camping, and fishing, and forget about politics and world events.


The majority of the sub forums are full of hunting discussions. Go, participate, and have fun.

The “attic” of the Fire is a catch-all for whatever someone wants to discuss - no different than any other forum that has a political or random thoughts forum section.

Thank you for showing your concern, even though it was said while you were inserting a tampon.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”