Originally Posted by LeroyBeans
Originally Posted by J23
Originally Posted by tpcollins
Originally Posted by MontanaMarine
If the Antifa's go into the suburbs, I believe neighbors will work in cooperation for their collective security.

That's a citizen militia in the most basic sense.

And they’ll prosecute those defending their homes while the Antifa's will go untouched.


...and I'll add to that by saying that the citizen militias would immediately be labeled domestic terrorist groups and members prosecuted as such, while any member of ANTIFA would not so much as receive a citation.

The rule of law is dead in this country.

Until we begin to try, convict, and without delay, publicly execute folks for treason and sedition in this country, including many of the politicians currently in federal, state, and local offices, this Bolshevik Revolution will be successful. We need to make being a socialist and/or a communist a crime against the common good, and strictly enforce it.

So, back to the days of vigilantes and late night lynchings, etc. You ever notice those guys never came out on the good-guy side in all those Hollywood movies. But what the hell, this is the real world, where might is right and Ef The Constitution.

Senator Joseph McCarthey was right.

Joe McCarthey (sic) was never right. That you would say otherwise is another telling, fascist benchmark for 24hrfascism.

Son, you have it entirely backwards. These mobs are the lynchers, they are the ones who have no respect for individuals and private property. I hope you get it figured out, before it's too late.

Cowardice is the greatest pandemic that has ever affected mankind.