As a kid, trying to get the tail bone out of my first bucks hide.
One my knees, reverse grip on my not very sharp pocket knife.
It popped out of the hide and stuck in my leg right above tge knee.
Straight in, about 1 3/4". My folks wanted to take me to the hospital,
I refused and the didn't. Still remember the pop sound of it going in.
And the wound. About 3/4" wide and narrow. Inside out.
Looked like I had a little pussy on my knee!

Lots of little cuts in the kitchen.

Very frequent at work. Mostly small. But I handle rolled coated
paper and fiberglass. That crap cuts so good you often don't even know it.
You either see blood on stuff, or you just notice a tingle, and find the cut.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!