Originally Posted by gunner500
Originally Posted by Raeford
I still have a deep holler that needs a base layer prior to back fill. whistle

Yessir, two parts ground antifa with one part lyme and one part fly ash coming up Sir, 10,000 tons be a good start? ; ]

My little dead end dirt lane houses the following:
2 retired combat veterans, 1 INS agent and one excavator[with all of the necessary equipment] and us.
This is spread out over 2-300 acres, it's very normal to hear AR's going off at any time on any day.
I personally prefer my little .22mag which happens to reside on the kitchen table where wife watches for ground-pigs.......but have plenty of options 15-20' away.

Like most of rural Merica, THEY don't want to go there......I'm confident of that.