Lightest elk I've ever seen shot was by my daughter.

She was one if a few folks picked to shoot a cow on Arapaho NWR in Jackson County, Co. a few years ago to thin the heard.

She smacked a nice fat yearling, right before dark, in a cold snowstorm,, waayyy out on the valley floor, with no vehicle access allowed. One of the coordinating federal wildlife officers was watching from a high perch via spotting scope.

The nice Federal warden lady arrived just in time to help us finish the gut job. The cow went onto the hood of her truck. She drove us out the couple miles to our truck, and we literally dumped the cow from the hood of her truck, into the back of my Tundra.

We were riding in the wardens truck and we were both laughing, telling her, "this isn't the wY elk hunting really works.." lol

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.