Originally Posted by irfubar
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by BuzzH
Originally Posted by irfubar
The various non-profit enviromental etc.... groups main goal seems to be enriching it's people..... follow the money
Buzz has a bunch of $ , hmmmm connect the dots
I don't follow BHA, but have heard the commentary about them, so I am no expert, but went to their website and read the mission statement..... seems to me an environmental group that likes to hunt and is comprised of liberal minded people.... the founder is from Missoula... another red flag.

As far as Ted Turners success I begrudge no man's success as long as he earned it honestly.... the fact Ted attempted to get the Montana tax payer to fund his pet project on his ranch that allowed no public access tells me back in the day when he started CNN he likely participated in a little corporate welfare.... on the backs of the taxpayers... may be wrong, but doubt it.

Entitlement isn't just for poor people....

And BuzzH as far as your personal success, same applies...... many questions though.... how does a relatively young man get the seed money to acquire enough real estate to support your proposed income stream?
I guess working for non-profits is pretty profitable?
How does one do this while traveling and hunting all the time?
I know many who have accomplished this level of success honestly, but each and everyone is a workaholic... and spent decades getting there....

Your assumption that I have class envy is simply wrong.... it's the hypocrisy of certain rich people that bothers me.....

There's one thing that this forum hates the most, and that is a good American success story. Strange thing.

Ted didn't attempt to get the taxpayers of Montana to fund his project, he offered to pay a good portion of the project that was proposed by the MTFWP. The project was going to happen and Ted approached the FWP only after they proposed it. He never solicited money for "his" project, since it wasn't even his idea or proposal. Secondly, the MTFWP is funded by license dollars, excise taxes on firearms, ammo, through P/R Act, and fishing related stuff through the DJ Act. If you have a problem with that, take it up with Congress.

Also, if Ted or any other business took advantage of legal and Congressionally approved corporate welfare, good for them. That's just good business and playing by the rules, laws, and acts that Congress approves and Presidents sign into law. You have a problem with that, take it up with Congress who plays by the golden rule, those with the gold, make the rules. Don't hate the players, hate the game.

You seem to what to imply that the American dream isn't possible unless you get "seed money". Well, news flash, if you think I inherited wealth you'd be wrong. My Parents worked in lumber mills and for a textile companies in Western Montana. I received no money for College when I decided to go from my parents, they just didn't have it. I paid as I went, accruing ZERO debt and never received a dime in federal or state assistance...paid my own freight as a Pulaski motor during the summer and skinning dead animals while attending college.

I understand compounding interest, living within my means, and the value of investing early, and often. I educated myself on the IRS tax codes (thanks to an economy class I took as an elective in college), how to invest in tax deferred accounts, depreciation on rental properties, tax write offs on those rentals, living in a place with lots of available renters, no state income tax yada yada. In a nutshell, I make my money work for me and there's lots of opportunities for that if you're willing to take some risks and use your head for more than a hatrack. My only vices are hunting and fishing and if you don't pay for guides, do the work yourself, and buy a new rifle for each hunt, its pretty affordable.

Your life does sound like a success story...If true, absolutely nothing to begrudge you for it...With that said...

I would ask that you approach the black coalition of Black Lives Matter and help educate them on how to utilize all the government funding and giveaways available, so the black communities can prosper like you did.

Thanks for helping America. 😎

Brother Beav...... never forget the golden rule!
Leftist lie... always ... the wrongs they do, they accuse others of doing.....
BuzzH is full of schit and many have been following his lies for a long time.... he thinks he is the hero business man, a regular American success story..... my ass.
He tries to turn the argument around, as us simple minded peons are attacking him for being successful.......
A HINT.... we attack him for hypocrisy, lies and profiting from a dishonest agenda.....
He is a parasite!

I will defer to the better judgment of those who know Buzz. I’m not up to speed on his dealings.

For me to continue one way or another is akin to trying to run with my foot in my mouth.

I appreciate your learned insight brother. Best for me to listen and learn at this time.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”