Like I said earlier, if BHA is corrupt then we fully need a group with an agenda with similar goals.
No hunting organization speak to access management , no other group speaks for limiting motor vehicle access in our backcountry.
Mining, logging have created the access and the recreational crowd uses these roads . Hunting opportunities are not prioritized.
The recreational/ off road vehicle/ motor sports groups are very organized and everyday they have more access due to the aforementioned mining and logging industries.
Elk numbers have taken a tumble, moose are rare, mule deer too.Bighorn sheep and mountain goats live in very selected areas. Whitetails thrive anywhere.( we have never had a wolf relocation here)
Teddy Roosevelt could see the need for preserving some of the landscape for other purposes and was a founding member of the Boone and Crockett club and" fair chase hunting"
If BHA is corrupt I will not support it but will verify this from other sources. There are selfish personalities in every large organization , it is the human condition. It is key to make them accountable and it starts with your local group, imo.
Due diligence with reveal anomalies, and it keep it real.
Hunters must be a part of access management, imo🇨🇦